Beginner’s Cycling Tips

Dr. Melchiore Buscemi

September 12, 2022

Beginner's Cycling Tips

If you want to learn to Cycling, there are several tips you can use to get started. These tips range from avoiding saddles that are too high to keep your cadence within a specific range. They also include how to deal with traffic , keep your bike clean and Cycling.

Avoiding saddles that are too high

The position of your saddle is significant for comfort and safety. Some riders like to sit upright, while others prefer a more aerodynamic, sporting position. Either way, the harness should fit the rider correctly. Saddles that are too high or too low can cause pain and discomfort.

Saddles for men and women are designed to accommodate different body types. It would help to consider your height, hip width, and position of your ischial tuberosity before buying a saddle. Saddles designed for women have different shapes and are often more curved.

Keeping your cadence in the proper range of rpm

Keeping your cadence in the correct rpm range is essential for beginners because your lungs and legs determine the speed at which you pedal. Most beginners should start at around 50-60 rpm when you’re just starting. However, you can quickly increase your cadence if you want to improve your speed.

First, you must understand that cycling cadence is linked to your gearing. Cadence is an essential part of the equation that leads to power production, which is directly proportional to your speed. Cadence increases or decreases torque, which changes the power and speed of your bike.

Dealing with traffic

You should always be aware of your surroundings when cycling, especially in cities. Of course, you should try staying on the right side of the road, but if you must cycle against traffic, keeping your distance and anticipating the worst-case scenario is essential. In most cases, drivers will swing their doors after checking for cyclists, so giving yourself an extra two feet of space is best. In addition, you should be aware of pedestrians poised between two cars.

The best way to deal with traffic while cycling is to ride predictably and assert your legal rights. Even if you do everything correctly, motorists can still be rude and harass you. Experienced cyclists have had to deal with hurled beer cans, intentionally closed passes, and verbal abuse, so they are prepared for this. The best way to react to traffic is not to respond, as an instant reaction could cause a driver to slam on their brakes and cause you to lose control of your bicycle.

Cleaning your bike

The first step to cleaning your bike is to wash it properly. You can use warm water and dish soap. The detergent should be PH neutral and non-abrasive. Make sure to use a new bucket and supplies. You can also use a soft brush. Start from the top down, washing the handlebars, head tube, seat post, seat stays, and brakes.

The next step is to apply the cleaner to the bike. Again, it is essential to use a non-abrasive cleaner that is environmentally friendly. Use a brush or sponge to apply the cleaner. Do not use high-pressure hoses, as they can damage delicate parts. Also, you should use two buckets instead of just one to prevent dirt from spreading back onto the bike.

Getting a bike that fitsĀ 

It is essential to choose a bike that fits correctly. There are many ways to determine your size. The best way to select the correct size is to test-ride a bike before buying it. It is also a good idea to do some research to determine the correct geometry.

First, it is essential to determine the exact measurements of your legs, arms, and wrists. Then, compare those measurements with your current bikes to determine how the frame should fit. If you still have doubts, consider getting a professional bike fit.

Checking your bike’s air, brakes, and chain before every ride

Checking your bike’s air, brake, and chain lubrication before every ride is crucial for safety. You should also ensure that your chain is clean and free from debris. The chain is perhaps the most critical component of your bike. Look for any black residue on the chain that needs to be cleaned. A simple ABC check should be enough to check these components before a road trip, or you can get more involved by performing an M check.

If you hear creaking or groans while riding, your bike is likely having trouble. These sounds are signs of a problem that could lead to more costly repairs later. You can also listen for the sound of a spoke when you pluck it. It may be time to tighten a loose spoke if it makes a clinking noise.

Keeping yourself safe on the road

It is essential to keep yourself safe on the road while cycling. First of all, remember to keep your eyes and ears open. Avoid riding on sidewalks because motorists do not always see cyclists. Always make noise when needed, including announcing your intentions to other road users. Also, do not wear headphones while cycling. Finally, make sure to be aware of the rules of the road, especially when cycling at night.

Keeping yourself safe on the road while cycling for beginners means being on the lookout for potential road hazards. By identifying these hazards before they happen, you will be able to respond to them safely. Many road hazards, such as potholes, fallen branches, puddles, and more, are similar to those you would encounter while driving. Another way to avoid these hazards is to cycle with a group. When riding in a group, you can call out dangers you may encounter along the way. Having several pairs of eyes also allows you to make evasive maneuvers.